by jakarta @ 2008-03-25 - 15:26:14

Untuk berkomunikasi dengan efektif pada saat presentasi, membawakan acara, menjadi presenter atau host sebuah acara diperlukan skill khusus. Dibawah ini diberikan jurus jitu agar membuat komunikasi anda menjadi jauh lebih efektif.

1. Strategy

Strategi ini mencakup bagaimana cara mengatasi kegugupan, menerima umpan balik, memperjelas citra diri serta menepis bias ketika menyampaikan informasi. Kata kunci disini adalah pahami bahwa proses komunikasi adalah proses 2 arah, memahami dan menguasai pesan yang akan disampaikan serta pahami bagaimana berbicara bukan apa yang akan dibicarakan.

2. High Energy

Walaupun style setiap orang berbeda dalam presentasi tetapi presentasi dengan high energy dan high focus adalah syarat yang tidak bisa ditawar.

3. Intensity of Eye Contact

58% keberhasilan proses komunikasi ditentukan oleh komunikasi visual. Selalu pandang mata audience anda dengan intensitas mata yang cukup.

4. Transfer Of Feeling

Berkomunikasi dengan baik membutuhkan kasih tanpa syarat. Anda tidak mungkin berkomunikasi dengan baik jika anda tidak jujur. JIka ada hal yang tidak mengenakkan untuk disampaikan ingat speak always the truth but do it in love.be patient, be humble and be kind.

5. Body Languange

Komunikasikan pesan anda dengan bahasa tubuh yang sesuai dengan kondisi pesan yang disampaikan serta tidak berlebihan.

Belajar marketing bab satu : 1, Seorang marketing harus Punya Produk entah produk itu populer atu tidak. 2, Seorang marketing haris punya modal. Modal a, insting. b,metode. c, ulet d, terampil. 3, Seorang marketing harus punya target, (sasaran) kemana produk dia akan laku. pupuk yah ke petani, besi yah ke tukang las dll. 4,realisasikan yang mudah pending yang sukar.

Is The Customer -- and Always Will Be -- King ?

Leadership Strategies used the following story as an example to try to make
a case that customers "aren't always right":

"When Citizens Financial Group CEO Larry Fish heard that a customer had
treated one of his tellers poorly, he called the customer and suggested
that she close her account. Although the customer had $172,000 deposited at
the bank, Fish arranged for a check to be mailed to her."

Leadership Strategies praised Fish not only for protecting his teller but
also for making the happiness of his employees his No. 1 priority. "People
work for more than their pocket," Fish told Ronald Alsop at
CareerJournal. com. "You can't have a successful business without happy

I don't know the details -- I'm definitely looking at this as an outsider
-- but it seems to me that Larry Fish, CareerJournal. com, and Leadership
Strategies have gotten things mixed up. Businesses do not exist to make
employees happy.

Businesses provide products and/or services to customers. It is the
customer who, ultimately, pays the employees' wages. The employees are
getting paid to service the customer. Toward that end, their main job is to
make the customer happy.

When we say, "The customer is always right," we aren't naive enough to
think that this is literally always true. There are many times when a
customer may be uninformed, out of line, unrealistic, or downright
unpleasant. What we mean is that in any employee-customer transaction, the
end result must please the customer, not necessarily the employee.

If you think otherwise, you will destroy your business. If you begin with
the idea that your business is about your employees, it's only a short leap
to believing that if your customer interferes with your employees'
happiness, you ought to "fire" him.
That sounds like what might be happening at Mr. Fish's bank.

You can see this employee-first mentality on most airlines today. Whereas
once the cabin attendants (Don't call them stewardesses! ) were pleasant and
bend-over-backward helpful, they are now self-centered and often
belligerent (see "Word to the Wise," below) Hollywood wannabes who have no
idea how to do their jobs. (They are, after all, nothing more than
glorified waiters and waitresses.)

"One more word out of you, you filthy swine, and I'll have you manacled and
dragged off the plane!"

I recently "softly" fired (i.e., relocated) a business manager who had that
kind of attitude. She was hardworking and eager to please her bosses, but
she treated her customers as if they had the plague -- and within a few
short months, every member of her staff was treating them the same way.
Eventually, they were treating me like something the cat dragged in. And I
was paying their salaries!


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